Puppet Friday


We brought our puppets and soft toys to school. It’s an extreem day where we can be cool!

This morning instead of roll call, we had sausage roll, and Hoppy kept yelling “Show me the sauce!”

By the Learning Legends.

Welcome to Our Blog


Welcome everyone! This is our new blog for 2013. Our classroom might be changing and our whole school is going to be on the move, so this year we’re the Legends, rather than Rm11. So, welcome Legends! Get ready for some awesome learning. 🙂

This blog is for children to learn and show their learning! You will find a lot of work and information that children find useful over the year.

On this blog, you can find links to sites that you can use for homework. In Te Kura Pihi, homework is a maximum of thirty minutes. Do some reading (that includes reading blogs or news online), do some maths (including basic facts games) and do some spelling. (You guessed it, you can do this all online!) Enjoy your time in Te Kura Pihi and remember to check the “About” page for ideas on how to stay safe online, and how to behave on the internet.

Always treat others with kindness on the internet and remember to write for your audience.
