” I’m gonna get you!” cried my brother Jamie as I ran through the dining room. A few minutes later: “AHHH!” I screamed. Blood poured out of the centre of my forehead, just then my dad came running down the hallway. “What’s happened, what’s happened!” he repeated nervously. My mum and grandma soon explained how I had fallen over and smashed my forehead into the  glass coffee table. Soon I found myself packed in a room full of nurses and doctors,  I don’t remember what happened next, I only remember waking up on my grandma and popa’s couch. I do have a scar from that accident, and it’s right in the centre of my forehead.




strong skrach and slorp

head like ice-cream

arms as long like an elephents trank

smalls like roten chease

boo bam boo

thre eyes

fat as an elephent

legs as small as an mose

by Mia