In goes the tin with some boiling gin

some ham lam would that go with the pan

but don’t foget sock

turn it all up with a spoon full of berrys

and  some runny honey and some ear and bear but don’t foget pear

pig and wig its ready kids

yummy soup


making some soup

out comes the pot

in comes the lettes

here comes the snot

sterr in some vomet

put in some feta

with some weta

put in some ice

with some spice

and serv it with a derty coffe cup.

by Nathan

yucky soup


out comes the pot

in goes the oil

stir in some chili

mix in the soil

put in some cabage

then goes the rice

with some onion

and then add the spice

then you should put in some

ham and then i thing lamb

yucky soup


mosh scwosh  Dirty Dounat sogy samwig pop the pus rasty ring the rimans of rotin

brockn bark from the parck over jou guaos cheter chees my gramaus hare

sam,s sandy sckabs sogy sock,s my grammuther,s stow is redy for you. a dodo

bird or a tosick marshmellow.

Soggy soup


out comes the pan

and in goes a chicken floc

and get some avcardo

and boll it untill it is hot


get some grill kiwifruit

and stap on some rice

go to the butcher and buy some lamb

and 40 cello of spice


add some lemon

and honey

lime and stere it up in time

add 1 cup fill of  money


some slices of carrot

and a teaspoon of peper

mix it all in with half a parrot

a puarter of garlic too


scoin of a fish

add to the dish

put your feet up and wach it boll

siv it up in your faseys dish

shout out tea is ready it is soggy soup

yucky soup


Get a bowl add some hair stir it up with some bear

Stir stir stir chikens knees stir stir stir stir stinky cheese

Scoop up some micecream add in some licecream

Put a bit of spice in spice in sprinkle some rice in

Here we go google eyes next up yucky pies

Now the roar meat and next the seaweed

Neally there almost done now lets eat and have some fun.



In goes the tin whith a bucket of bear

and here comes the oil and soil

and don’t forget your sock avery smally sock

torn it up hot to get relly hot and some runny honny

and i bort a pig whith a wig

whith some ice-cream

by Mia


Yucky soup


In goes the tin whith a bucket ham here comes the oil whith and soil and don’t for get your sock and a very smaley sock and some runny hony and air and bear and don’t for get the pear and a spon full of shoger and some wig and don’t for get your pig                                                                                                                                                                                 by Amy

Yucky soup by Campbell


Out comes the pan in goes the butter

wait 5 minutes till it splutters

while you wait cut up slices of bread and apple

look back at the pot if its water

put in the boild peas and cheese

tilll it steams time to finish

put in the chili but dont be silly

serve with cream on top

and cheerys!

gather the family for everything tea!!!.