Why I don’t want to to write poetry by harry


Forget it!

You must be kidding

my brain hurts

my dad says poetry kills me

my cat did his business on it

an alien took my pencils

my hands got cut off

my book got sold on trade me

my book got chewing gum inĀ it

i don’t know what poetry is

What are you talking about

you want me to write poetry

all I have is a dumb list of excuses.

By Harry.

BLAST OFF! by Harry


5,4,3,2,1 BLAST OFF!!!

High up into the clouds.

Theirs no more gravity,I’m starting to float.

I yell “hurray we are finally in space.”

The rest of my crew cheer.

Now the earth looks like a giant star.

I feel so tired I better go to sleep .


yucky soup by harry


out goes the pot

in goes the oil

add in the onions and let it boil

add a few bits of seeweed

a soket of spice

mix it all up

a poket of rice

use some toffe

and a drop of coffee

use honey

but make sure its runny

i use chicken knees but you can lamb

aspesally stinky cheese

“come in mum we made everything soup!”




Frank the oga by harry



slurping a bloody humans hand.

head like a slimy fish.

fat belly like a blue bouncy castle.

hairy arms like a black graffes neck.

feet like dog spew.

EWW! green toe nails.


by harry