in a childs was dark and gloomy at 2:00am the bedroom was skary  and gloomy.the childs under wear was tickling and bitting.he had white under wear with red lines and pee stains and poo stains.the child was skared as a baby lost in a he got out of his bed and put his other pear of under wear on.but the under wear was eating all his clothes.hey mumy my bum is iching.said the child.then take some iching is bad phills with water said mum.ok said the child.EW! EW! EW! EW! EW! EW! EW!. ad lest I swallowed it.said the child. good said mum.instantly he falled asleep. and it was morning already.and well he was gonna get dressed he talked to mumy.mum my under wear is iching. the phill  did’nt work. said the child.the mother because she could hear childss voice but when she came in her child was eatan by the under wear.the thomas theme song was victor