
Articles are NON-FICTION. That means they are full of facts, or information.

Articles are written in magazines, newspapers, in websites and are made into news reports on TV and documentaries at the movies.

  • Look through your article at the titles, the pictures, captions (sentences explaining the article) and the diagrams. (Skim)
  • Read your article carefully to yourself.
  • Find the tricky words and work out what they mean.
  • Re-read the article.
  • Use your article to make a brainweb showing information about the article. The WWWWWH words might help you: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, HOW (Skim- look for where the information you want might be by looking at the first sentence of each paragraph or finding a heading or picture; Scan- look carefully through that part for the words you want)

We are learning to find information

We will know this when:

  1. We can skim the article and see what it might be about
  2. We can read the article and know what it is about
  3. We can scan the article for key words to give us the information we want
  4. We can reorganise the information to say what the article is about
We are learning to find the author’s purpose

Play a game online about finding information

Read about finding information

WALT work out tricky words using different parts of the text!

WHY? It helps us understand what we’re reading.

We will know this when:

1. We look for words we can’t make a picture for or read
2. We look for small words or syllables in our words
3. We read on to the end and think about what would make sense.
4. We look for pictures to help, and captions and diagrams
5. We look in the sentences before and after the tricky word.
6. We look in a GLOSSARY


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