
Plays are designed to act out stories to entertain people or deliver a message.

On TV, we watch programs that are written with scripts. Sometimes actors act out the scripts, sometimes they are used for cartoons or animations. In animations, people read out the lines with expression.

  • Silently read your play to yourself. Check out the tricky words and find out what they mean.
  • Quietly read your play out loud.
  • Think about what characters you would like to try reading.
  • Meet with your group and quickly choose a character to try. Take turns at playing characters if people want to.
  • When you read, read with expression.
  •  Film your play with a camera and watch it to see if you read with expression.

WALT read with expression

We will know this when we can:

  1. Read every word accurately
  2. Read punctuation- pause at commas, pause for longer at fullstops
  3. Change the volume of our voice
  4. Change the tone of our voice- angry, sad, excited
  5. Read each sentence as if we were saying it ourselves
Check out this play on Youtube:

Try to write your own play using animation:
Xtranormal (Username: cs11rocks )

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