NZ Rocks!


Explore and describe the history of earth and some of its main features. 

Be able to explain  of the natural world through exploration, play, asking questions and discussing simple science models.


We are using the Inquiry Model to organise our learning and research. Here is a diagram of the Inquiry Model:


We are learning to: 

WALT Read Maps

Know how to hold a map
Read a key
Be able to find a place on a map
Know North, East, South and West

Adventure Island Map Activity

Check out NZ on Google Maps

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Read and Understand Maori Place Names:

We know how to pronounce the vowels
We know how to say the syllables
We can say the whole place name
We can work out parts of meaning using small words that we know

Maori Names of Volcanoes in Auckland ( A powerpoint to download and read!)

Maori Place Names
Maori Place Names

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Meanings of Maori Place Names for Teachers

Explain How Land Is Formed

We know there is a process
We know that there are parts to the earth under the land
We can explain what volcanoes and mountains are
We can give an explanation about how mountains and volcanoes form

How Countries were made online Activity


What is a volcano?

What is a volcano?
What is a volcano?

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Check it out on Science Learning hub

Explore volcanoes:

Types of volcanic eruptions
Types of volcanic eruptions

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Auckland’s Volcanoes on Google Maps:

Map of Auckland Volcanoes On Google maps
Map of Auckland Volcanoes On Google maps
Auckland Museum Website
Auckland Museum Website

Staying safe in an Emergency:


STAN’S LAND: Awesome site with activities for kids

Earthquakes for kids

Know about Rocks and Geology

We know that geology is the science of studying the planet
We use scientific words to describe rocks
We use scientific ways of looking at rocks
We can use science to help us group rocks

Folds and Faults Activities with cardboard and play doh

Folds and Faults pictures on Google Images

Rocks Cycle Online Activity

Types of Rocks

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Learn to identify rocks
Learn to identify rocks
Learn all about rocks
Learn all about rocks

Understand How Fossils Are Formed

We know the difference between fossils and conglomerate rock
We know how fossils are formed
We can explain the process of how fossils are formed.

Fossil Games Online
Fossil Games Online
Dig for fossils
Dig for fossils

Explain and Understand Continental Drift

We know that the land can move
We know why the land can move
We can use scientific words to describe this

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Online Resources


EPIC! Database for searching (Westmere15, school68)

Wicked Science Interactives

GNS: Website about Geology with lesson plans and information

Cool Fossil Links

Science TV, Continental Drift

Graphic Organisers

Science TV: Plate Tectonics

iTunes Apps to assist learning on iPads and iPods

Show Me Interactive Learning

EruptNZ (free)

Rocks HD ($4-$5)

Brittanica Kids Volcanoes ($10)

Downloadable Resources for Teachers

Earth Science Inquiry plan

Graphic Organisers

Continental Drift Worksheets and Home Sheets

Scholastic Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Science

Journal Surf Search for teachers:

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